smile hd flashblacks
smile hd flashblacks
Cmon evrypony
THIS IS AWESOME!!! i love how expressive you drew the characters, it's easy to tell what's happening with barely any text! really great comic, dude!
Glad you enjoyed it! :D
give him a tylenol, he'll be fine
he forgot to drink water :(
THIS IS A CUTE ARTSTYLE!!! also since it's your first post, welcome :))
Tysm!! :D
this is epic!
thank you!
HOW DOES HE WORK OUT IN LOW GRAVITY :sob:(light hearted)
uhhh aside from that, i mean... this is pretty good honestly 💀
he's just that good. also thx!!!
jamie is such a silly character (in a good way)!!
Thank you!!!
honestly i feel like if those two met, they'd probably just talk about how stupid steve and deimos are (but i mean,are they wrong?)
i know this is old art, but it still looks cool imo! good job
Yeah, they'd probably talk about that. Thanks for the feedback!
yooo honestly the sun fanart idea is pretty neat, i dont think ive ever seen fanart for him. im pretty sure the sun getting beaten up is in madness 3, along with the sky whales and stuff
Yeah mate. I usually like to target the "insignificant" characters first before doing the characters everybody knows quite fondly of.
I'll re-attempt The Sun idea later on when it feels right
i think it's cool that you're releasing "old" art or art that you feel you can improve on ! imo it looks pretty epic, even though there are mistakes (that you already pointed out obviously)
Nice to know you fellas like it. I feel like if I had released it earlier when I finished it, I would have been satisfied and eventually come back make a better version.
Good to keep in mind.
my friends say i like newgrounds
funking on thursday
riddle schol?!?!?!?! 😱
Joined on 1/15/23